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10 tips for a healthy Christmas

Love Christmas? Us too, but it can be a tough time of year when you’re trying to lose weight. Here are our top 10 tips to enjoy Christmas without compromising your goals.

Break it down

The period in between Thanksgiving and New Year’s will no doubt be full of more celebrations than the rest of the year, which is part of what makes this time of year feel so difficult when it comes to losing weight. The trick? Don’t eat in excess too often.

Enjoy yourself when it’s an occasion to celebrate, but in between parties or gatherings do your best to maintain your usual healthy habits: eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. For example, you can by all means give it a try, but you don’t need a Christmas Starbucks drink every time you pass by one.

Know your limits

You want to have a good time (and we want you to have a good time!), but be aware that the festive period can be an excuse to drink more than usual and to overindulge on rich food. Do this too much and you’ll end up feeling fatigued, heavy, and may suffer from indigestion or bloating. Try to take it slow, as you’ll feel so much better for it.

Be mindful

If you’ve got a party later, it’s worth adjusting your daily diet accordingly. We don’t mean skipping meals, as going into a celebration so hungry that you want to eat everything in sight just sets you up for disaster but just be wary of what and how much you eat in the lead up. Eat meals that are high in protein to keep you feeling nicely satisfied and pay attention to your appetite.

Discreetly decline

It’s ok to say no. Yes, people do tend to take offence at this time of year (how many times do people say ‘but it’s Christmas!’ as an excuse for justifying overindulgence?), but if you’ve been trying to lose weight and improve your health all year and you don’t want to start reversing your progress, just say no. No one can force you to eat anything you don’t want to.

Indulge in healthy luxuries

Luxuries don’t have to be unhealthy. Think about whether there are any healthier foods you enjoy but rarely eat during the year – shrimp, clementines, a nice cut of fish or, if you’re in the position to treat yourself, a more expensive cut of beef?

Avoid grazing

You know the rule: don’t graze while cooking. It’s very tempting to try a bit of everything, but if you graze and then eat a portion size as normal, you’re just adding random extra calories to your daily intake. Just hold off and eat once it’s all served up.

Get organized

Some people find that ordering groceries for pickup is a better option that shopping in store, where you’re bound to be tempted by all sorts of things that you weren’t planning on buying.

Plan out what you’re going to eat, make a list, and stick to it.

Keep exercising

Keeping your body moving means you’ll feel less sluggish and groggy when you (inevitably) eat loads of festive goodies. Long walks are a great way to get your steps in, and can be done with the whole family so you can socialize in the fresh air at the same time.

Set a date

How soon after Christmas will your overindulging stop? Will it be in the lull between Christmas and New Year, or would you rather take the pressure off and start again when January rolls around?

Whatever you think is best, it can help to set a date. Make a plan and stick to it – it’ll be tough but those healthy habits will be worth starting again.

Enjoy it

Despite everything, we do really want you to enjoy your Christmas. It’s rare that we get the opportunity to take some time out, to celebrate and reflect on the year and to spend time with loved ones, so make the most of it. If that involves more food and indulgence than usual, then so be it, you can pick things up again whenever you like. Savour your Christmas, and enjoy every mouthful.

Christmas without alcohol

Does a Christmas without a beer in hand feel unthinkable? The expectation to drink over the festive period can feel overwhelming, like everywhere you look you’re being offered a drink.

If you’ve decided to cut down on alcohol or have cut it out completely, saying no can feel difficult at this time of year when it seems like everyone’s celebrating. On the one hand, you know that drinking less alcohol is the right choice for you. But on the other hand, you’ve got the very human need to fit in and dodge any personal questions about why you’re not drinking. So how do you deal with it?

Be prepared

You know if you say no to alcohol, you’ll probably be asked questions about why you’re not drinking. Honestly, it’s no one’s business, but saying that to extended family members or coworkers might be kind of rude.

You don’t need to lie, but you might find it awkward to discuss such personal decisions, so having a few answers prepared can feel easier. Try saying you’re taking it easy after a few heavy nights recently, or that you need to be up early the next day so need a sharp mind. You could even make yourself the designated driver. Just keep your answer short, be confident, and move on.

Remember why you cut back

Everyone’s relationship with alcohol is different. There’s no shame in not drinking, or keeping your drinking to a minimum, and it’s more common than ever. Remind yourself why you don’t drink if you’re finding it tough to say no, and if you feel comfortable sharing be honest with friends about why you’re cutting back – you’ll probably be surprised at how understanding people can be.

Think about the positives

The best thing about dodging alcohol? Waking up the next morning hangover-free. No one wants to suffer through a family get-together with a headache, after all. If you’re not drinking, you’ll be free to enjoy the next day without reaching for the Tylenol.

Discover new drinks

The so-called ‘adult soft drink’ market has exploded in size in recent years as staying sober has become increasingly popular. If you’re not drinking alcohol, you don’t have to stick to Coca Cola (unless you want to, of course). If you’re a fan of soda, try drinks from Olipop, Poppi, or Culture Pop Soda (interesting flavors include cranberry fizz, ginger ale, and classic root beer).

If you want the taste without the alcohol, there are loads of alcohol-free or low-alcohol drinks that mimic alcoholic drinks. We checked out Walmart and found non-alcoholic beer from Corona, Coors, Peroni, and Budweiser, and non-alcoholic craft beer offerings from Brewdog, Athletic Brewing Company, and Brooklyn Brewery.

Not a beer fan? No worries, you can also find non-alcoholic wine, whisky, vodka, brandy, and even champagne.

Do what you want

Christmas comes with a lot of expectations, but you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. If you don’t want to drink, don’t! If you want to leave a party early, that’s fine. If you want to get away for some space during a busy event, that’s ok too. Do what you need to do to make yourself feel good, and don’t feel bad about it.

The key to feeling comfortable on the field

Whether you’re a soccer pro or this is your first time playing, one thing that will elevate your performance (and your enjoyment!) is making sure you feel comfortable when you’re out there on the field. Here’s how.

Get clothes that fit

If your ass is hanging out of your workout pants or your stomach is peeking out from under your t-shirt, it’s all you’re going to be thinking about, and you won’t be giving your all to the game.

It sucks to shop for clothes as a larger man, but there’s no shame in buying from ‘specialist’ stores if you need to. The size is only a number (or letter) on the label that no one sees but you, what’s more important is that your clothes fit properly and feel good.

The same goes for must-have accessories like socks and boots. You can’t run well if your boots are too tight or if your socks are falling down, so make sure these fit well too. If you can, try things on before you buy, or make the most of generous return policies when buying online to find ones that work for you.

Don’t forget to check out places like Goodwill for workout clothes too: just think of the people who have good intentions of working out but give up and donate their clothes, not to mention the guys who lose weight and donate the clothes that are now too big for them.

Go for sweat-wicking options

Sweat-wicking clothing is ideally what you need when working out, especially if you know you’re going to get sweaty (and who doesn’t get sweaty, right?). No one wants to have huge wet patches of sweat on their clothes.

Most of the big sportswear companies sell clothing made with sweat-wicking (or moisture-wicking) fabric. This type of fabric pulls sweat away from the skin, helping it to evaporate and dry quicker. The fabrics used in sweat-wicking clothing tend to be synthetic, like polyester and nylon, as they’re better at handling moisture than natural fibres.

Prevent chafing

Chafing can get really sore, but there are a few things you can do to avoid that burning feeling and painful rash on delicate areas. Chafing happens because of a combination of friction and moisture, so to stop it from happening you need to control either the friction or the moisture.

We’ve already covered sweat-wicking clothing, which is perfect for underarm and back sweat, but you can get moisture-wicking underwear too. Look for boxers made of polyester, as these will help any sweat evaporate before it starts to irritate your skin. And, goes without saying (we hope), but changing them regularly is a must. Wearing compression shorts will also help to cut down on friction.

You can also buy anti-chafing cream, gels, and sticks, which create a layer of skin protection to help stop friction. These are especially handy for applying to the inside of your thighs before you start exercising to stop them from rubbing together.

Is it all in your head?

Some people feel self-conscious exercising purely because they’re overweight. If that sounds familiar, try and remember there’s nothing wrong with moving your body no matter what size you are. You’re with friends, you’re all doing the same thing when you step out onto the MAN v FAT Soccer field, and chances are no one’s paying you that much attention anyway. So focus on enjoying yourself!

Protein mug cake

Tuck into this indulgent snack after a workout for a protein boost


  1. Spray a large mug with cooking spray. You definitely want to use a big mug when making this to avoid overflow when cooking.
  2. Add the mashed banana, protein powder, peanut butter, milk, chocolate chips, and baking powder to the mug.
  3. Stir until everything is fully combined and has a batter-like consistency.
  4. Microwave for 60-75 seconds, and then leave to cool for 30 seconds. It should be mostly dry the touch and have a cake-like texture.


For different flavors, try out different varieties of protein powder, switch the dark chocolate chips for white chocolate chips, or add in fruit like blueberries or raspberries.

Serves: 1
Time: 3 Minutes

What’s in a serving:

Calories: 265
Fat: 12g
Saturates: 4g
Protein: 18g
Sugars: 16g
Salts: 0.58g


  • Cooking spray, like PAM
    2 tbsp protein powder of your choice
  • ½ a small ripe banana, mashed
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter (look for peanut butter that contains only peanuts, and no added sugar, oil, or salt)
  • 1-2 tbsp two percent milk
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp dark chocolate chips

5 best snacks to grab before soccer

There’s nothing worse than turning up to your MAN v FAT Soccer night hungry. You need fuel to score those winning goals, after all.

Instead of grabbing a bag of chips or a candy bar, try one of these quick snacks that your body will thank you for.

Apple and peanut butter

Simple but effective, and PB instantly improves everything it touches. Simply cut up your apple and dip into peanut butter and you’ve got a great snack that’s a source of fiber and protein to keep you feeling satisfied.

A few things to remember: crunchy or smooth, make sure your favorite PB brand is a good one that’s free of added sugar and oil. Don’t be won over by labels that say ‘natural’, always look at the ingredients. We found that Great Value natural no stir creamy peanut butter contained added sugar and palm oil, and Jif natural peanut butter contains molasses alongside palm oil and sugar. Crazy Richard’s is one brand that does peanut butter with just one ingredient: peanuts.

Be wary of your portion size too. It’s easy to heap up peanut butter, but that’ll probably be hundreds of calories more than you’d planned on. Use a set of kitchen scales to measure out your portion. 30-35g is a good portion size.

Banana on toast

Take a slice of whole wheat bread, toast it, then top with a mashed up a banana and you’ve got yourself a super easy, delicious, and filling snack. This snack is high in fiber, which will help keep you fuller for longer, and is also a good source of potassium, which is important for energy and endurance.


Around 20 almonds counts as a serving, and it’s the perfect snack to keep in a little tub for when you’re on the go. Almonds are packed with magnesium, which helps to improve exercise performance, and potassium, which is good for energy and endurance. They’re also a good source of monounsaturated fat, which is the kind of fat you want to include in your diet.


Hummus is an elite dip that’s endlessly versatile. Take your pick of flavors: our favorite is roasted red pepper, but any flavor is good. Scoop it up with sticks of carrots, cucumber, or bell pepper, or serve with a toasted pita. Hummus is a good source of protein, which is great for supporting muscle growth, and a source of fat which will give you energy.

As always, be careful of your portion size – hummus is a great option for a lower-calorie snack but eat too much and those calories will soon rack up.

Protein shakes/bars

Protein and exercise go hand in hand, and for good reason – it helps you build muscle and keeps you feeling full. You can get protein from plenty of sources, but bars and shakes are convenient if you’re short on time.

Be sure to check the labels, because some products can be deceivingly high in calories and sugar. RXBars, KIND protein, and Think! protein bars are good options.

The power of protein

You’ve probably heard the buzz around protein, but why is it so important?

Worrying about your protein intake used to be something reserved for the most dedicated of bodybuilders, who knew that eating enough protein is essential for building show-stopping muscles.

But keeping up with your protein needs has since moved into the mainstream as we’ve all realized that getting enough not only helps support muscle growth, but it also makes eating well feel like less of a chore.

What does protein do?

Protein is essential for every cell in the body. It helps to build and repair muscle, cells, and tissue, and it’s so effective that it’s commonly known as the ‘building blocks’ of the body.

But it does much more than that. Protein plays a part in strengthening your immune system, transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, helping cells communicate, and it even helps give your hair, nails, and skin a protective barrier.

In short, protein helps to keep our bodies functioning. A lack of protein can lead to muscle loss, fatigue, and weakness, although it’s incredibly rare to become protein deficient in developed countries.

How does protein help with weight loss?

Increasing how much protein you eat is a fantastic way to encourage weight loss. It helps you to feel fuller for longer, because protein-rich foods are digested slower than carbohydrates. This can help you to eat less, as when you’re feeling satisfied, you’re much less likely to overeat or seek out unhealthy snacks.

Protein helps to preserve your muscle mass while you lose fat, which boosts your metabolism as your muscles continue to burn calories even when you’re at rest.

How much protein do I need?

How much protein you need varies from person to person and depends on how old you are, how tall you are, how much you weigh, and how active you are. In general, you should aim to get at least 0.75g of protein per kg of bodyweight, but if you’re trying to lose weight it’s a good idea to increase this to around 1.2g – 1.8g of protein per kg of bodyweight.

For example, if you weigh 110kg, you might aim to eat 132g of protein a day.

Sources of protein

Aim to include a source of protein in every meal. Good sources of protein include:

  • Lean meats, like chicken and turkey
  • Seafood, like tuna, tilapia, and mackerel
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products, like Greek yogurt, cheese
  • Legumes, like edamame (soybeans), lentils, cranberry (borlotti) beans
  • Tofu and tempeh
  • Nuts and seeds, like hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and almonds

You can also buy protein-enriched foods, including (but not limited to!) shakes, bars, pancakes, chips, brownies, and cookies. You don’t need to eat any of these to get enough protein in your diet, but if you feel like you need a boost (perhaps after a particularly tough workout), be sure to check the label as many of these packaged foods are surprisingly high in calories, fat, and salt.

A good way to ensure you’re getting enough protein is to make sure you’re eating a wide variety of food. Don’t just stick to your usual meals – challenge yourself to make a meal with a vegetarian source of protein, or snack on nuts and seeds.

Measuring success without the scales

Sometimes, the scales are not our friend. It’s all too easy to get hung up on what they say each week, and it can be distressing when things aren’t going the way you’d hoped. When that happens, try not to take it to heart – there’s a whole lot more to weight loss than just the reading you get at a specific time.

Weight loss isn’t linear, which can be a hard thing to wrap your head around. That’s why you should focus on your non-scale victories as well as keeping a log of your weight. Keep a list on your phone or in a notebook and make a note of them when you notice them, so you can go back for a hit of motivation when you need it.

What are non-scale victories?

Non-scale victories (NSVs) are anything positive you notice about your weight loss – but as the name suggests, we’re not talking the number on the scales. Here are some examples of NSVs:


A soft tape measure is a handy bit of kit for checking your weight loss progress. Take regular measurements of the same parts of your body: hips, waist, chest, thighs. You’ll soon see the inches falling away as you lose weight.


Take regular, full-length photos. You’re probably not going to feel comfortable taking them or looking at them, but no one has to see them but you, and sometimes we only see how much we’ve changed when looking back at photos.


Pick a non-stretchy, structured item of clothing like jeans or a shirt and try it on once a month. As your body shape changes, you’ll notice how it feels (and looks) different on you.

Mood and energy

Eating better often leads to an increase in energy, as you’re fueling your body with what it needs to flourish. Losing weight can also help with your sleep quality too, especially if you snore or have sleep apnea.

Your mood may improve too, thanks to the feel-good hormones released when you get active, plus the sense of accomplishment when you start hitting your weight loss goals.


Your strength, flexibility and endurance will get better and better the more you move. Make a note of your workouts, and you’ll soon see how something you found difficult in week 1 is a breeze by week 12.

Ease of movement

Losing weight is good news for your joints, which will start to move more freely and won’t ache as much. This is often a big one for guys losing weight, so if you notice your knees aren’t aching at the end of a long day as much as they were before, that’s a huge deal!

Everyday tasks

As you lose weight and your fitness improves, you’ll find that doing things like housework, climbing the stairs, and carrying shopping all become easier.

Comfortable digestion

Gone are the days of seemingly never-ending bloating and gas. Good food moves through your body better, and you’ll feel much better because of it.

Improved medical markers

Losing even a small amount of weight can help improve many medical markers, like your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and glucose levels. Each step you take towards losing weight is a positive step towards lowering your risk of developing serious health conditions.

All these improvements to your health and wellbeing are something to celebrate, but try not to fall into the trap of rewarding yourself with food. Instead, reward yourself with:

  • Playing your favorite video game, or treating yourself to a new one you’ve had your eye on
  • Binge-watching your favorite show
  • Meeting up with a friend for a coffee
  • Reading a good new book
  • Meditating
  • Listening to your favorite music
  • Going to the cinema

Whatever you choose is up to you. Have fun, but remember not to go too nuts – you’ve still got weight to lose, after all!

Getting ready for a new season

A new season of MAN v FAT Soccer is just around the corner, and whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer, there are a few ways you can prepare for a shiny new season to hit the ground running.

Re-evaluate your goals

It’s a good idea to revisit your goals every now and then, and at the start of a new season is a great time to do this. Figure out a realistic weight loss goal for the season, considering where you are now, and what challenges you can foresee over the duration of the next season (for example, if you have any vacations booked).

Don’t just set goals for how much weight you want to lose – think about setting yourself a fitness challenge for something to work towards.

Think about nutrition

The best way of giving yourself a head start at the start of the season is to make sure your diet is as healthy and balanced as it can be.

Get into the habit of boosting your meals with plenty of vegetables and lean protein and focus on staying hydrated by drinking water steadily throughout the day. Doing this will help you optimize your performance on the pitch when the time comes.

Pre-season training

It’s not essential but getting into the soccer mindset before your club games kick off can go a long way to boosting your performance on the field.

Start incorporating activities like running, swimming or cycling into your routine to boost your endurance and cardio fitness, and think about doing soccer-specific drills, practicing passing, dribbling and shooting to really enhance your game.

Rest and recovery

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night to allow your body to recover and repair. You’ll want to arrive at your club nights feeling well rested and ready to go, and it’ll be hard to enjoy it if you’re feeling sluggish and tired.

Injury prevention

It’s always important to warm up before working out, so don’t skip the warm up. You’ll be a lot less likely to injure yourself if your body is warmed up and ready for exercise, so have a read of 5 simple dynamic warm ups to avoid injury to prepare.

Above all, try and enjoy the start of a new season! It’s great to start with a blank slate, so make the most of it by showing up, giving it your best, and enjoying it.

Keeping your motivation high

Losing weight can be tough, we all know that. It’s twee as hell when people call it a weight loss ‘journey’, but that’s what it is, a long road filled with ups and downs.

It’s easy to get discouraged when things aren’t going your way, like when progress feels slow, or when setbacks happen. But keeping your motivation high is key to moving on and achieving your goals, so here’s how to keep your spirits high.

Why motivation matters

Motivation can be a fleeting thing, but it’s true that it’s a main driving force behind your weight loss. When you’re motivated, you’re much more likely to make healthy choices, stick to your workout routine, and overcome obstacles. Instead of waiting for motivation to strike, you’ve got to constantly stoke the flames if you want to get anywhere with your weight loss.

Dealing with setbacks

Everyone experiences setbacks, it’s a totally normal part of life. Whether it’s down to medical problems, family emergencies, vacations, or even simply feeling too tired to workout, it happens. But it’s important to remember that setbacks are temporary, and they don’t define you.

Bouncing back from a period of low motivation can feel difficult, but there are some things that can help:

  • Think about why you started. Yes, it’s a cliché, but thinking about what initially made you want to lose weight can help you focus again. Make a list of all the reasons you’re trying to improve your health and look at it regularly.
  • Seek support. It’s hard to do things alone, so get out of your head and talk to friends, family, and your MAN v FAT Soccer teammates.
  • Reevaluate your goals. Sometimes low motivation happens because you feel overwhelmed by your goals. If that sounds familiar, break your goals into smaller, more manageable chunks and focus on ticking them off before you think about the bigger picture.

Keeping your motivation going

It’s only natural that your motivation flags, as after all, it’s hard to maintain interest in something over a long period, especially when it involves hard work. Here are some ways you can keep giving yourself reasons to keep going:

  • Reward yourself. Weight loss can be hard, so be sure to celebrate your progress, no matter how small you think your successes are.
  • Find an accountability buddy. Having someone you can exercise with can be a huge motivator, making it more enjoyable to workout, as well as making it less likely you’ll cancel.
  • Visualize your success. Imagine how good it’s going to feel when you achieve your weight loss goals!

Be kind to yourself

Honestly, the most important thing is that you don’t beat yourself up for finding things tough. Losing weight takes time and effort, so try not to get discouraged if you’re finding it tough. Talk to your MAN v FAT Soccer coach and teammates to get some pointers for easy wins and remember that every small change is a step in the right direction. Don’t give up.

Beginner’s guide to meal prep

You’ve probably heard of meal prepping and how beneficial it can be when you’re trying to lose weight. It doesn’t need to be complicated or Instagram-worthy, you’ve just got to find what works for you. Here’s how.

What is meal prepping?

It’s preparing your meals ahead of time. A common time to do this is on the weekend so you’re ready for the week ahead.

Your prep can be as simple as chopping veggies ready to add to meals or have as a snack throughout the week, or it could be grilling an entire pack of chicken breasts ready to add to meals. It could even be planning, preparing, and cooking your meals and snacks for the entire week.

Why should I do it?

By the time you get home from work at the end of the day and are feeling tired both mentally and physically, takeout just sounds so tempting. Does that sound familiar? No judgement if it does. The aim of meal prepping is to make eating a healthy, balanced diet easy, so you’ve got an option ready to go that’ll help you stick to your weight loss goals.

How does it help me lose weight?

Takeout can be really high in calories thanks to cooking methods, processed ingredients, added sugar, and portion sizes. If you get into the habit of ordering takeout several times a week, that’s a lot of unnecessary extra calories added to your diet.

Taking the time to plan out your meals means you’re fully in control of what you eat, and you can make sure your menu for the week is tailored to your weight loss goals (calorie controlled, high in protein, etc.)

Do I have to meal prep everything?

No! Do what works for you. If you enjoy cooking to relax after work in the evening, carry on doing that. Think about what you’d like to streamline: if you know you’re short on time in the morning, focus on preparing your breakfasts in advance. But you certainly don’t have to do everything if you don’t need to.

How do I get started with meal prep?

First up, make a plan. What do you need to prepare, and for when? Are you going to go all out and try making all your meals for the week, or are you just going to focus on one thing, like prepping lunches, or making a batch of healthy snacks? Try to identify times when you feel like you need a little extra help to stay on track and start there. Figure out what’s going to work with your lifestyle, and pick foods you love to eat: this isn’t a punishment!

Isn’t it a pain in the ass?

It depends on how you look at it. It can seem like a lot of effort when in the middle of a meal prep session, surrounded by Tupperware boxes and the kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it. But that’ll soon be forgotten when you eat like a king for the rest of the week for minimal effort.

What do I need?

– Time to do it.

Carve out some time to do it. Sundays are a popular time to meal prep so you can prepare for the work week ahead. If you’ve got a different working pattern, then choose a time that’ll suit you better.

– A space to do it.

Before you start, make sure your kitchen is ready. It’s a lot easier to meal prep if the dishes are done and the kitchen counters are clear. The downside of meal prep is that you’re also going to be making a few days’ worth of mess when you make a few days’ worth of meals, so do your best to clean up after yourself as you go.

– Something to put your meals in

People showing off their meal prep on TikTok might have fancy glass containers, but you don’t need them. Reusing old mismatched food containers is fine – if you can find the lid, it’s good to go. Old takeout containers are fine too but check that they’re ok to microwave.

If you’re buying new ones, things to look for are whether they’re microwave-safe, reusable and if they’re plastic, BPA-free. Other things that can make life easier are whether they’re stackable and dishwasher-safe.

– An idea of what to make

The world’s your oyster when it comes to what you make for your meal prep. Think about what you enjoy eating as a starting point.

That said, there are some things that lend themselves to meal prep a little better than others. Salads that are full of leafy greens aren’t great for meal prep unless you’re eating them in the next day or two, for example.

Some things that work very well for meal prep include soups, stews, chili, oats, and curries. Budget Bytes is a fantastic recipe site that has loads of meal prep recipes that also have the bonus of being budget-friendly.

Lose weight, Play Soccer

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Launched in Florida in 2024, MAN v FAT Soccer brings the UK's leading male-only weight loss program to the USA. Find your nearest league and register to secure your spot.




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