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Get to know DOMS and how to recover from it!

Taken part in your first MAN v FAT Soccer session and can’t walk the next day? That’s DOMS. Painful as it is, it can be a good thing! Here’s how to deal with DOMS.

What are DOMS?

DOMS stands for delayed-onset muscle soreness. It’s muscle soreness you might experience after exercizing, especially if you haven’t exercised for a while or if you’ve had a vigorous session. You might feel it in one place, like your legs, when you move or tense those muscles. It comes on around 24-48 hours after exercise and can last for a few days.

Is it actually DOMS?

It’s important to note here that DOMS are delayed, so it’s not something you feel during exercise. It’s also soreness, so it’s not a sharp or severe pain that stops you from doing everyday activities. That’s more likely to be an injury and is something you should get checked out by a doctor. DOMS makes everyday movement uncomfortable but doable. If, after a walk or warming up your muscles, the discomfort improves, it’s DOMS and not an injury. You can relax, it’s normal. If it’s sharp pain you’re feeling, or limiting your activity, get seen by your GP.

Why do we get DOMS?

DOMS is due to tiny tears in your muscles from moving them in a way your body isn’t used to. That can be from doing an exercise that is new to you or if you exercise more vigorously than you’re used to. This can include returning to exercise after a break. The pain is thought to be the body’s inflammatory response to these tears. It’s a totally normal response to sudden stress put on your muscles, and it’s very common. Though tearing up your muscles  sounds bad, the actual tears are microscopic and easily repaired by your body.

Are DOMS a good thing?

You’ve heard of no pain, no gain, right? Well, feeling sore after exercise isn’t a goal you should aim for per se, because that might lead to you pushing yourself too far and ending up with an injury. Even if you don’t injure yourself, pushing yourself to do too much, too soon, can lead to you feeling fatigued, overwhelmed and demotivated. But there is a small nugget of truth in the ‘no pain, no gain’ philosophy, as when you work your muscles enough to produce these tiny tears, your body will get to work repairing them. And if you give your body the right tools to repair your muscles, it can help you to build muscle mass.

Will I always experience DOMS?

As you get used to being active and your body gets used to the exercises you perform, you’ll experience DOMS less and less. This is where real progress is made, because if you keep it up, you’ll soon be able to do the hard things that once caused you to crawl up the stairs without any soreness the next day. Then you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Of course, if you stop exercizing, then try to exercise at the same intensity after several weeks you’ll likely get DOMS again as your body won’t be used to moving in that way. Also, to hit your fitness goals a varied program alongside MAN v FAT Soccer is beneficial. By trying and performing new exercises you open yourself up to DOMS as muscles are be used in different ways.

How to beat DOMS

You know about delayed onset muscle soreness, but do you know how to recover and prevent them? Let’s dive in.

Recovering from DOMS

Recovering from your soreness in a healthy way is what helps your body repair your muscles and what will lead to that coveted increase in muscle mass. But the important bit here is that you have to do it in a healthy way. Rest is absolutely vital, and if you’re looking to reduce fat and build muscle, rest is just as important as activity.

  • Make sure to have rest days in between your MAN v FAT Soccer sessions and other exercise. This should include ‘active recovery’, where you do light exercise, like stretching and walking. It’ll probably feel awful at first but warming up your muscles gently like this will do them good and is actually one of the most effective ways of easing the soreness through increased blood flow.
  • Try and get enough sleep. Our body does its best repairing and rebuilding when we’re asleep so get your head down.
  • Drink plenty of water and keep up your healthy eating, making sure your diet includes lots of lean protein.
  • Massage your sore muscles. A foam roller can help.

How to prevent DOMS

The only fool-proof way of preventing DOMS completely is not exercizing, but there are things you can do to lessen the soreness. Always make sure you warm up before you start exercizing so that your muscles are warm and ready to go. Make your warm-ups dynamic, meaning that you move around mimicking the movements you’re about to do during the bulk of your workout. Lads, static stretches are old news and don’t serve much of a purpose in a warm up. Similarly, cooling down after your workout is a must to allow your muscles to gradually get used to not moving as vigorously again. Preventing DOMS is mostly about finding a good balance between pushing yourself enough during exercise to have an effect and not overdoing it.

Get the pump?

We all want to be able to instantly do Arnie level workouts at the gym, or be able to outrun Usain Bolt, but listen to your body and go easy. Losing weight takes time and though that can be frustrating, push yourself too hard and you’ll be dealing with a lot more than just a bit of muscle soreness. Injury = woe. If you’re trying to step up your intensity but don’t feel comfortable, try and find a happy medium. How about you gradually increase the intensity instead.

Why tracking what you eat helps you lose weight

Might seem a chore, but tracking every little thing you eat and drink is a surefire way to make you more aware of what you’re eating. And that’s going to help you lose weight.

One of the first bits of advice usually given to anyone who wants to lose weight is to keep a food diary. Whether it’s online, on your phone or on good old fashioned paper, making a note of everything you eat and drink is an important first step in changing your eating habits. But why does it work so well for weight loss?

It makes you aware of what you eat

Sounds obvious, but one of the main reasons food tracking works is because it makes you fully aware of what you eat in a day. If you’re the type of person to sneak a snack here and there, it’s easy to overlook this when thinking about what you eat.

But these little extras can soon add up, meaning you could be consuming hundreds of extra calories you’re not even fully aware of. When you’re tracking what you eat, you’ve got no choice but to own up to the trip to the office biscuit tin or finishing off the cold fish fingers left on your kid’s plate, keeping yourself accountable.

It’ll help you see where you can make changes

If you’re keeping a food diary but you’re gaining weight, being able to look back at what you’ve eaten over the week is a brilliant tool for figuring out what healthy changes you can make.

Look for anything that stands out for adding unnecessary calories, and come up with a plan for reducing them.

For example, if you’re eating too many takeaways, find recipes for your favorite dishes and make them at home. If you’re having a few too many beers, pledge to cut down or switch for lower-calorie alcohol options like spirits. If you’re falling victim to high calorie coffee shop drinks, invest in a travel coffee mug and make your own at home, or swap milky lattes for a black coffee. Being able to chart this in a food diary is a great step to lasting change.

It’ll help others help you

It’s so easy to underestimate what we’re eating, especially when we’re describing our eating to other people. But if you want your MAN v FAT Soccer coach to help you figure out why you’re not losing weight, it’s important to be honest about what you’re eating. If you want to know whether you’re on the right track, ask your coach to have a quick look. If you’re using MyFitnessPal, you can also send them the link to your food diary.

A food diary is an easy way for them to see where you can make improvements, and a fresh pair of eyes on what you eat can identify unhelpful eating habits and give you new ideas for making healthier choices.

First MAN v FAT Soccer session? Don’t panic!

Worried about fat jokes, not being spoken to or feeling out of place on the field? Turning up to spend the evening with a load of strangers can be nerve-racking but we’ve got you.

You’re not alone if you feel a slight sweat coming on at the thought of your first MAN v FAT Soccer session. You don’t need to worry though. We’ve got your back, and all your team members will have it too, we promise. Let’s break down some of the misconceptions or fears that might be racing through your mind and see if we can get you feeling good to go.

Sticking out like a sore thumb

Nope – this couldn’t be further from the truth. Remember, every guy at your session will be in the same boat and you can guarantee the Coach will make you feel welcome. By the end of the session, you’ll be reveling in your team’s camaraderie.

Fat jokes

It’s easy for you to feel uncomfortable when you hear fat jokes being batted around. After all, you’ve probably experienced times they’ve been directed your way. Not cool. If you do hear any, there’s a high chance it’ll be a player directing them at themselves, not you. So, no worries there!

No one talking to you

All the guys are signed up to MAN v FAT Soccer for the same reason… to lose weight. So, there’s no hidden agenda there plus you’ve instantly got your first topic of conversation if you need an ‘in’. Win!

You’re all men going through the same thing, at the same time. Sure, some may be further down the road than you when it comes to weight loss but that will just show you that the end goal is in reach. Be bold, jump in and strike up a conversation if you’re feeling nervous and get those first intro chats out of the way early.

Being no good at soccer

Want to lose weight? Good. Like soccer? Great. That’s all that matters. In our UK program, we’ve had gents turn up who haven’t played in 40 years. We’ve had others that come more for the social side than the soccer. Whatever your reason for signing up, we’re glad you have.

And to help calm those fears once last time, there are no scouts at our games. Whether you score from the halfway line or scuff your kick and the ball goes towards the corner flag, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact you’re with us and you’re on the journey to losing weight.

Losing weight can feel miserable at times. Calorie deficits, regular exercise, making sure you eat enough protein and sleep well. You know the phrase, ‘misery loves company’? That’s what makes your relationship with your teammates unique. You’re in this together and we’re here to do everything we can to help too.

MAN v FAT Soccer is launching in Florida this July

The UK’s leading male-only weight loss program is kicking off in the US with leagues in Broward and Tampa Bay

London, England and Tampa, FL — (June 12, 2024) — Eight years after MAN v FAT Soccer was launched in the UK — known there as MAN v FAT Football — it will start its inaugural clubs in the US this summer.

The program for men with a BMI of 27.5 or over who want to lose weight and play soccer in a welcoming environment is opening in Broward and Tampa Bay this July, with weekly weight loss results counting towards points in the league standings.

The launch of these new clubs will add to a network that boasts more than 150 MAN v FAT teams across the United Kingdom, which have achieved a collective loss of more than 700,000 pounds — around the weight of four empty space shuttles.

MAN v FAT Soccer Broward will take place at Soccer 5, Brian Piccolo Park, 9501 Sheridan Street, Hollywood, FL 33024, on Mondays between 6:30pm and 8pm from July 22.

MAN v FAT Soccer Tampa Bay will be held at BT Sports Academy, 6351 49th Street North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781, on Thursdays between 6pm and 8pm, starting July 25. Both clubs cost $125 per month with a $50 registration fee.

Richard Crick, Head of MAN v FAT, said:

“The launch of our summer pilot program in Florida comes after almost two years of research, evaluation and preparation, focused on adapting our model for the US. We are very proud of our unique approach to weight loss, tackling mental health, and fostering brotherhoods. We look forward to bringing our successful recipe to the US. Each league’s standings are decided not just on points won, but on pounds lost too. All players weigh in weekly before each game, and their weight loss progress counts toward their team’s performance.

“We have established the leading male-only weight loss program in the UK, and we have supported more than 30,000 men in their battle against fat, with more than 90 percent of members having lost weight. We are committed to making this an even bigger success in North America, starting in Broward and Tampa Bay communities.”

Bruce To, owner of BT Sports Academy, said:

“We are excited to host MAN v FAT Soccer at our facility. MAN v FAT has had great success in the UK in the last 10 years and helped many people to get healthy and stay fit.

“This program is great for players to meet new friends and achieve their goals. We look forward to working and growing MAN v FAT in the Tampa Bay Area.”

Lose weight, Play Soccer

Secure your spot

Launched in Florida in 2024, MAN v FAT Soccer brings the UK's leading male-only weight loss program to the USA. Find your nearest league and register to secure your spot.




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