Cancel Membership

We’re very sorry to hear that you’re thinking of taking a break from MAN v FAT.
If you are sure you would like to continue with cancelling your membership, please fill out the form below.

Please note that by clicking ‘submit’ you are confirming that you would like to cancel your MAN v FAT membership. This means you will lose your team space at your club, and it will be given to someone else. If you later decide to rejoin, you may have to join a waiting list.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide the email that is associated with your MAN v FAT profile
This should be the league that you are looking to stop playing at.
Would you like a call back?

Lose weight, Play Soccer

Secure your spot

Launched in Florida in 2024, MAN v FAT Soccer brings the UK's leading male-only weight loss program to the USA. Find your nearest league and register to secure your spot.




Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 10am - 2pm ET



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