1) MAN v FAT Soccer is above all a weight loss program. The MAN v FAT Team will support and encourage you to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle and behaviours to achieve weight loss. We will not prescribe meal plans or exercise routines, every player is different and should only consider options that are suitable and safe for you. Embrace the program and commit to making changes. MAN v FAT Soccer is the only soccer league where losers win! 

2) Respect each other, the MAN v FAT Team and members of the public who share the facilities. Bullying, threatening or abusive language of any kind will not be tolerated. You are representing yourself, your Team and your league. 

3) You should not attend a facility or participate in a session if you have an infectious illness or condition, or if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

4) When returning to physical activity, do so gradually and at your own pace and always thoroughly prepare for exercise. If you become ill or injured during a MAN v FAT Soccer session you must report this to a member of staff. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that each league/venue provides an assigned first aider.

5) You are responsible for your own health. Each player has agreed to the Participation Waiver when joining the program. If you wish to re-read this, you may find it on If you have any concerns about your health or ability to participate, you must consult a health practitioner before continuing. Exercise carries its own risks. You should not carry out any activities which you have been told are not suitable for you, nor exercise beyond your own abilities.

6) Men come in all shapes and sizes. All men over the age of 18 with a BMI of 27.5 and above are encouraged to join our program. 

7) Players are expected to arrive and weigh in up to 30 minutes before their game. Members playing next should be prioritized in the 30 minutes before kick off. NO WEIGH, NO PLAY. 

8) MAN v FAT reserve the right to review and change teams. This is in the interest of keeping leagues enjoyable, competitive and fair. Players should remain flexible and support these changes. Change can be tough but, in a league full of likeminded people you will settle in with your new teammates in no time. 

9) MAN v FAT Staff have a responsibility to safeguard our community. If there is a risk to Player or Staff safety, the MAN v FAT Coach may take the decision to cancel a session. This may include extreme weather conditions, damage to equipment or facilities, infectious illness etc. Where possible, the team will provide as much notice as we can. Where this isn’t possible, we expect participants to respond appropriately. The decision will always be made in the best interests of the league. 

10) We expect players to dress appropriately for sessions ensuring suitable footwear and shin guards are worn. Jewelry including wearable tech should also be removed. Remember to dress appropriately for exercise in high temperatures. This may include applying sunscreen, wearing light clothing, wearing a sun hat, and staying in the shade between games and during rest periods.  

11) Players are encouraged to manage their own substitutions evenly and fairly. Every player should have the opportunity to participate and rest where required. We will respect your personal decisions as to whether the program and physical activity is suitable for you.

12) We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that our equipment and the facilities that we use are in a safe condition for you to use and enjoy. Players and staff must remain vigilant and are encouraged to report any hazards or potential risks. You must familiarise yourself with any rules and instructions, including warning notices. Look out for each other and help keep your league safe. 

13) MAN v FAT reserve the right to ask a player to leave a session or terminate their membership for failure to comply with MAN v FAT rules or code of conduct. Help us to ensure your league remains a safe, enjoyable and welcoming part of the MAN v FAT Community

Lose weight, Play Soccer

Secure your spot

Launched in Florida in 2024, MAN v FAT Soccer brings the UK's leading male-only weight loss program to the USA. Find your nearest league and register to secure your spot.




Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 10am - 2pm ET



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