Lose Weight, Play Soccer

MAN v FAT Soccer is for men with a BMI of 27.5 or over. Over 90% of players lose weight and get fitter, why not join them.

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How it Works


Weigh in before each game to track your progress.


You score points for weight loss and goals on the field.


Lose weight, get fitter and improve your health.


Team don’t win the league? You still lose weight. Result!

What happens at a session?

As featured on ABC News

What we offer

We’ve helped thousands of men lose weight, and we can help you too.

If you’re a man that wants to lose weight, MAN v FAT is behind you all the way.

Soccer Games

Small-sided league games with qualified referees, trophies & medals.


A weekly weigh in with your Health & Wellbeing Coach


Routine, support and accountability from your teammates and coach.


A structured, safe and supportive platform to lose weight.

what makes MAN v FAT Soccer DIFFERENT?

weekly games

Play soccer every week, with qualified referees. Feel like you’re not fit enough? Don’t worry, MAN v FAT Soccer is for everyone, even if you haven’t kicked a ball for years.

it’s a team thing

You’ll be placed in a team with guys who want to lose weight too, they will know exactly what you’re going through, and you’ll be supported every step of the way by your team and coach.

real rewards

Get rewarded for your positive changes. Your weight loss progress affects your team’s performance on the field, with rewards for hitting weight loss milestones too.

Andrew Rowley - 137lbs Lost

I feel so much better about myself. Just as importantly, my mental health is a lot better with the support network from football and I haven’t had back problems since I started losing my weight.

Lee O’Kelly - 86lbs Lost

When I first joined, I was the heaviest I’d been for some years and it really was getting me down.

Charlie Hill - 60lbs Lost

It’s changed my entire life. I didn’t really have friends round here before and now I’m part of a big community. The support is amazing.

Lose weight, Play Soccer

Secure your spot

Launched in Florida in 2024, MAN v FAT Soccer brings the UK's leading male-only weight loss program to the USA. Find your nearest league and register to secure your spot.


Email: support@manvfatsoccer.com


Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 10am - 2pm ET



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