Feedback, Complaints and Refunds

MAN v FAT strives to provide the best experience for our community. We love feedback – positive or negative. As we grow, this policy will help us identify what we’re doing well, and what we need to improve.

It should also continuously shape our method of managing positive feedback and complaints – as well as explaining when a partial or full refund is relevant and why. It explains how a player, Coach or partner can make a complaint and how it will be dealt with.

Complaint? How to make it and what to expect

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to MAN v FAT, either written or spoken, and whether justified or not, requires a response. Where possible, we aim to acknowledge any written complaints or feedback within two business days and aim to resolve complaints within five business days.

All feedback and complaints will be dealt with in a sensitive, confidential manner unless otherwise indicated. This is subject to the need to disclose information required as a result of statutory, legal request or safeguarding issues.

How complaints are made should depend on whether you are a Player, Coach or Partner of MAN v FAT Soccer.

Players: If you have a complaint about your MAN v FAT Soccer sessions or the MAN v FAT program, this should be directed to the Player Support Team and emailed to

Coaches: In the first instance, Coaches should bring any issues to your Line Manager, via email If it isn’t appropriate for your query/complaint to be dealt with by your Line Manager, you can escalate it our Operations Manager .

Stakeholders: If your complaint or feedback is club based or regional based, it should be directed to the relevant Regional Manager. If the feedback or complaint relates to the program or organization, it may be escalated to the Head of MAN v FAT

If the complaint is being made via a third person (family member, advocate), we may require written consent from the complainant as authorization to proceed with an investigation.

MAN v FAT keep a log of all complaints, these are stored electronically and separate from other systems with restricted access.

Compliments! Please do tell us, we’d love to hear them!

It’s human nature to shout and scream about the things that upset us, but we’d also love to hear when you think we’re doing things well – we’d also like to acknowledge our Team and Coaches when they are going above and beyond!

To tell us what we’re doing well please contact us via:-


Facebook: @MAN v FAT Soccer
X: @manvfatsoccer
Instagram: @manvfat_soccer

Refunds – How to claim and when you are due you full or partial refund?

The support and customer offer at MAN v FAT Soccer is twofold – ongoing support for men off the field through the Player Support Team, Coaches (including tailored support and recognition in the associated groups and face to face), content and online resources and exclusive access to health and wellbeing platforms. The soccer offer includes structured league nights, including weekly soccer with qualified referees.

Registration fees are non-refundable unless the league is cancelled by us.

Although every effort will be made to enable MAN v FAT members to play soccer each week, sessions may be cancelled on the advice of facilities staff and in the interest of player safety amongst other reasons.  MAN v FAT Soccer is above all a weight loss program and we know that games are won not only by goals scored but lbs lost. We firmly believe that all players should have the opportunity to be rewarded for their weight loss efforts. This is why, when a match is abandoned or cancelled during the session as outlined below, coaches will aim to facilitate a supportive weigh in, where the scales result will decide the match where appropriate.  

If a session is cancelled before the allotted arrival time of players, staff will communicate this at the earliest opportunity and a full refund for the affected week will be issued to all active players who have an activated subscription. MAN v FAT is typically closed for business for two weeks over the Christmas period, these dates will be communicated as early as possible and where applicable, fixture dates will be updated. Where this is the case and no support, league sessions or events are offered, a full refund for the affected week will be issued to all active players who have an activated subscription.

If any game is cancelled after players have arrived and begun to weigh in, but before any soccer has been played, the bonus goals scored in the scales head-to-head will decide the match. In this instance and in lieu of the soccer, all attending players affected by this decision will be issued a 50% refund for the affected week (providing they have an activated subscription).

Any game that is temporarily stopped or abandoned within the allotted fixture time (whether in one period or cumulatively), goals scored (or not scored) will be considered the final pitch result. In this instance, the scores would be calculated as per the standard rules and no refund will be issued.

If it is agreed that MAN v FAT have failed to deliver the experience advertized and a player decides to leave the program after attending only one session; MAN v FAT may issue a full or partial refund for the remainder of the month’s membership. Incidents where the programme is deemed not to be delivered to an acceptable standard will be investigated.

If a player registers for MAN v FAT Soccer and does not attend a session, it may be agreed that the member is entitled to a full refund for the month’s membership.

The player would be required to contact the Player Support Team to explain why after being added to a team they failed to attend the first session.

This refunds policy covers MAN v FAT’s Soccer Pilots and will be reviewed in 2025.

Lose weight, Play Soccer

Secure your spot

Launched in Florida in 2024, MAN v FAT Soccer brings the UK's leading male-only weight loss program to the USA. Find your nearest league and register to secure your spot.




Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 10am - 2pm ET



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