Why aren’t I losing weight?
There’s nothing more frustrating than stepping on the scales only to find that you haven’t lost anything – or worse, that you’ve gained a few pounds. It’s especially disheartening when you feel like you’ve had a good week. So what’s going on?
You’re not being entirely honest with yourself
Did you track everything you ate over the week? Or did you fudge the numbers, forget about drinks or have one too many sneaky snacks that didn’t make it into your diary?
It happens to us all at some point, and we usually don’t even realize we’ve done it. Don’t beat yourself up about it, but it can mean that you’re not losing weight because you’re adding hundreds of extra calories to your day without really thinking about it.
The solution:
- Track everything. Everything! Keep a note of what you’re eating as you eat it. If you’re not already using an app like MyFitnessPal, Lose It!, or Cronometer, you should download one and get into the habit of tracking what you eat either in advance or soon after you eat. That’ll cut down on lapses in memory.
- If you’re finding yourself constantly tempted by little treats, like donuts in the office, your kid’s leftovers, or extra whip on your Starbucks order, it’s time to be a little stricter. We know, we know, no one likes feeling deprived but at some point, you’ve got to start saying no. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a donut ever again, it’s more about saying no to surprise calories that’ll throw your day off. By all means, plan to have a donut and figure out how you can fit it into your day, but those little extras that you’re eating without thinking? Pay attention and try and limit them.
You’re forgetting about portion sizes
Think about binge eating and you’ll probably picture masses of chips, chocolate, and junk food. But you can overeat healthier foods too if you’re not keeping an eye on how much you’re eating.
We know it can feel like a hassle to measure what you eat, but until you get familiar with what healthy serving sizes look like, using a kitchen scale to measure out your food is the best way to ensure you don’t take in excess calories.
Check your calorie counting app for how many calories you want to spend on a food before you cook, and then measure things like pasta and rice (either dry or cooked) to make sure you’re not eating too much.
You’re forgetting about drinks
If you’ve got a soda habit, taking the often difficult step of cutting them out (or at least reducing how many cans you drink a day) can lead to a significant calorie saving. A 12 fl oz can of Coca Cola is 140 calories, so you can see how easily the calories stack up if you have more than 1 can a day. A can of Coke Zero is 0 calories, although it can be difficult to get used to the taste.
What about other drinks? Flavored water, energy drinks, takeout coffees on the way to work? They’re all easy to forget about, especially if you automatically assume drinks aren’t high in calories (some are!)
The solution:
- Read the labels or check nutrition facts online before you order
- Go for sugar-free where you can
- If in doubt, stick to water!
You’re eating out too much
We all love eating at a restaurant (we’re big fans of drive-thru too), but it’s harder to stay in control of your weight loss when you’re eating out regularly. You can find nutritional information for many places online, but most things will tend to be higher in calories than what you’d make at home because they won’t be shy when it comes to cooking with oil, deep frying, and using creamy ingredients.
Try and make more meals at home if you can. You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen to make delicious, nutritious meals, and making things yourself is the only real way to control exactly what goes into your meals.
Your expectations are too high
Maybe you are losing weight, but it’s not as quick as you’d like. It would be amazing if weight loss was easy and quick, and you were dropping 5 or 6lbs every week. Sometimes that does happen, especially in the early days, but sometimes even shifting 1lb can feel like a battle.
The truth is that the body is a weird thing, and sometimes you can do everything right and still find you’re disappointed when your weigh day comes around.
- If you’re losing half a pound or a pound every week but you feel like you’re not losing weight, you are! It doesn’t sound like much, but half a pound off still makes you lighter than you were last week, and it all adds up.
- It gets harder to hit those big numbers every week as you get closer to your goal weight, so if you’re thinking that the last 10lbs you have to lose are so much harder than the 60lbs you lost before it, you’d be right.
- It’s not impossible to do, but it does take a little more effort than when you were at your heaviest and your body was only too happy to start dropping the weight. Reassess your goals and your calorie allowance and keep going.
The most important thing to do if you feel like you’re not losing weight is to not give up. Every step towards a healthier lifestyle is a step towards achieving your goals, even if you’re not seeing it reflected on the scales. Keep going and you will see results, even if it takes longer than you’d anticipated.